Friday, January 29, 2010

Intro Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy is the process of splitting uranium atoms called fission. Fission creates heat that is used to produce steam. The steam turns a turbine to generate and create energy. There are positive and negative effects of nuclear energy. The positive aspects of nuclear energy are an emissions free energy source, its discharge is not harmful to the environment, and it generates high amounts of electricity with just one nuclear power point. The negative effects of nuclear energy are radioactive waste is created, radiation poisoning if a meltdown or accident occurs, potential terrorist targets, the use of uranium because it is a scarce and limited resource, and it can take a long time to build a nuclear power plant. These issues need to be considered and researched. Nuclear power plants help the environment by not emitting green house gases, however the nuclear power plants can be devastating if they are not carefully watched and monitored.
The United States of America currently has 104 nuclear power reactors in 31 different states. Nuclear energy makes up 20% of the electricity used in the United States. Nuclear energy is efficient and used in the U.S. however a nuclear power plant has not been built in the U.S. since 1977.
Although nuclear energy may not emit carbon dioxide into the Earth’s atmosphere there is a concern with the nuclear waste. Nuclear waste is highly radioactive and needs to be contained safely, usually deep under ground for at least 100,000 years.
Something to consider with nuclear power plants and the things that can go wrong are the incidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
The Three Mile Island incident happened in the United States in Harrisburg, PA. On 28 March 1979 there was a partial core meltdown of the reactor. However there were no substantial losses. The nuclear material was contained and no one was killed or injured during the melt down. However, there was one death that occurred from radiation poisoning.
The accident at Chernobyl reactor occurred on 26 April 1986 during an experimental test. The accident happened when operators shut down important control systems and allowed the reactor to reach unstable conditions. A sudden power surge caused a steam explosion. This caused the reactor core to be destroyed and damaged the building. A graphite fire burned for ten days releasing radioactive waste into the air. Thirty workers died within a few weeks and many others suffered injuries. There was an evacuation of the region and devastation took place in the area, physically as well as psychologically. The Chernobyl ordeal is the largest accident to occur.
These incidents shouldn’t be taken lightly but they need to be taken into context. Both incidents happened because of design flaws and poor operator training. The operators and workers who were involved with these accidents did not obey the safety regulations that are associated with nuclear power plants.
Nuclear energy can be helpful for the environment and save on natural resources but need to be carefully monitored and watched. For the most part nuclear power plants need to still be utilized and researched. The biggest unresolved issue with nuclear energy is the storage and disposal of radioactive waste. Given the information, nuclear power plants are beneficial but can pose a threat if the plants are not carefully monitored and tracked.

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